Saturday, May 8, 2010

kids , dogs , crafting, blogging , Etsy, .. how to get it all done??

I have spent the better part of this day feeling totally overwhelmed with the " list of things to get done" floating around inside my head".

Anyone out there struggle with this????

My list today has consisted of a whole range of things, such as....
soccer games ( loving the action ) , finding out my girls are completely out of socks ( does anyone else in the house know how to run the washer & dryer, I ponder) :) dog walks, lunch ( as I look in the fridge I realize a trip to the grocery store is looming :( , running kids to b-day parties, hubby finally getting over to pick up our newly purchased used lawn mower ~ the yard is officially 4 " tall, bought a book , Blogging for Bliss by Tara Frey, and started reading, now I just need the time to apply, jewelry projects waiting to be finished , a painting too, yard work other than mowing, an engaging book called Gods & Kings by Lynn Austin, keeps tugging at me to throw it all aside and just go lounge on my deck in the sunshine.....

Just a small preview of my list . On any given day , I am dreaming up new ideas of art and jewelry, many requiring skills that I am unfamiliar with so it would require me to take time to learn them . All the while my children need me, my husband, dogs... and it is Mother's Day tomorrow, so I have to make a dessert for the dinner my mother is so graciously going to prepare for our family.

One day at a time , just breathe , pray , have patience & joy ... I know these things help tremendously , but some days ..... whoa!
It is a packed crazy ride , that is for sure .
Peace to you all~


  1. I can relate to this post for sure!! And your girls are beautiful! Wishing you success...your blog looks great thus far!

  2. that is an awesome picture of Zoe!
